Neo Geo X - Vol 1 Mega Pack
M'alerter sur la disponibilité du produit
Contient: Metal Slug 2, Sengoku, Top Hunter, Samurai Shodown 3, Savage Reign, Super Sidekicks 3, The King of Fighters '96, Blazing Star, Kizuna Encounter,...Lire la suite
Contient: Metal Slug 2, Sengoku, Top Hunter, Samurai Shodown 3, Savage Reign, Super Sidekicks 3, The King of Fighters '96, Blazing Star, Kizuna Encounter, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Shock Troopers, World heores 2 Jet, The Last Blade, Art of Fighting 3 et Blues Journey.
Accessoires (accessoires, consoles, guides)
NG Adaptateur Phantom MVS pour console AES
NG Carte Mémoire NEO IC 8 en boîte
NG Memory Card RAM 2K
NG Stick Arcade Neo Geo X en boîte
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